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How To? - PostgreSQL in SeisComP3

PostgreSQL Server

First of all you need a postgreSQL server running. If you don't know how to set up a postgreSQL server, please visit: PostgreSQL

Create a new user/password in your postgreSQL server for Seiscomp3 to use: sysop/sysop. You also need to create a new database: seiscomp3.

It's time to run the SQL script which creates the tables in Seiscomp3 database. You need to copy and execute in PgAdminIII the content of this file: dbpgsql.sql

Your database is ready for Seiscomp3 now.

Seiscomp3 Installation

Download the latest tar file from here: Seiscomp3

Before set up Seiscomp3, let's install some libs, do this:

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-regex1.40.0 libboost-filesystem1.40.0 libboost-iostreams1.40.0 libboost-program-options1.40.0 libboost-signals1.40.0 libboost-thread1.40.0 libboost-wave1.40.0 libboost-serialization1.40.0
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5 libqt4-core libxml2 python-numeric python-numpy alsa-utils libqt4-gui

Now, you should untar in your home folder the seiscomp package that you have already downloaded:

$ tar -zxvf seiscomp3-potsdam-2010.181.01-ubuntu10.04-x86_64.tar.gz

Ok, you had already set up the environment for the installation. You should now follow the instructions provided by the SeisComP staff in: Seiscomp Documentation → Attention to the following:

When the message “Initialize MySQL database on localhost [yes]:” appears, choose “no” → 'cause we have a PostgreSQL server running ;-)

Then you can continue following the Seiscomp3 installation guide until trunk configuration steps.

For the database type, choose “postgresql” and follow the guide till the following appears:

 G) Edit global parameters
 A) Add/Edit network      
 R) Remove network        
 P) Add/Edit configuration profile
 W) Write configuration and quit  
 Q) Quit without writing configuration
 Command? [A]:

Type 'w', write your configuration and don't start Seiscomp yet. You have to install the PostgreSQL driver and edit some configuration files before.

Get the PostgreSQL driver –> and place it in “yourhomefolder”/seiscomp3/trunk/share/plugins

Now go to “yourhomefolder”/seiscomp3/trunk/templates and edit scglobal.tpl, replacing its last line:

core.plugins = dbmysql –> core.plugins = dbpostgresql

You will do the same for global.cfg in “yourhomefolder”/seiscomp3/trunk/config. In this folder, you also need to edit scmaster.cfg, replacing the 2nd line:

plugins.dbPlugin.dbDriver = mysql –> plugins.dbPlugin.dbDriver = postgresql

That's it. You can finally start to add your stations. Seiscomp3 is ready to be started now and also is able to use your PostgreSQL Database. Enjoy! :-)

soft/seiscomp3.txt · Última modificação: 2010/08/04 11:29 (edição externa)